
Technological Wishlist

99 problems and these are some

Technology really exists for 2 reasons:

  • Face to face - The point of technology is to enable yourself, and other ppl to show up more fully with the people they love (Eg. Quality of life improvements to not worry about material needs)
  • Shoulder to shoulder - The point of technology is to enable you to have better experiences with people (Eg. Shared awe at beautiful megastructures)

Operating Modes

Perspectives on technology can be categorized in a few different ways, assuming that all groups want what's best for the world. Loosely follows Thomas Sowell's concepts of constrained and unconstrained.

  • Constrained - Human nature is inherently limited and flawed. Historic wisdom, gradual progress, and constraints are important to protect the default human. Values tradition, understands that there may be limits.
  • Unconstrained - Humans can do anything. Human nature is malleable and capable of continuous change. Believes we can fix or destroy anything
Constrained Unconstrained
Techno-Optimist "Gradual technological improvements and respecting historical wisdom will make our lives better, within limits."

Eg. Bill Gates
Humans can do anything so we'll be ok "Technology will fix everything. Humans will adapt and everything will be ok"

Eg. Elon Musk
Techno-Pessimist "Technological progress can't outpace the inherent flaws and limitations of human societies."

Eg. Nicholas Carr, a surprising amount of academic study on technology
"Humans, and technology is capable of anything so we're fucked"

Eg. Degrowthers

In Western liberal places in the 2020's, we tend towards unconstrained pessimistic. Directionally probably good to move in the direction of optimistic.

Problems problems problems

Residual notes from me thinking about what to work on. A couple of framing questions:

  1. What does it take to create a civilization that is vital and resilient over the next 50 years?
  2. If someone gave me 100 million dollars, what would I assemble task forces for?
  3. If I could clone myself to work on different problems, what problems would there be >10% chance I would be interested in working on for the rest of my life?

Not in any particular order

Category Goal Rationale Examples
Climate Abundant clean energy Energy is the vitality of a civilization. How do you make it cheap and reliable? Base load generation from nuclear, hydro. Building out transmission infrastructure. Earthshots like fusion
Practical, decarbonizing climate resilience The only way to enable green transition is to make climate solutions too good to ignore. High capacity/long-duration energy storage, scalable/quantifiable CDR with low uncertainty, mass electrification with non-climate co-benefits like heat pumps & electric stoves
Food Affordable, fresh, nutrient dense foods Wax-covered apples traveling 4000km cannot be the way Lower cost farming, (PROPER) nutrition education in schools
Reduce animal suffering It’s a shame that for convenient nutritional completeness, we still have to mass factory farm and kill animals. Alternative meats
Shelter/Living Affordable housing in safe, mixed-use cities Great housing theory of everything Reforming zoning, lower cost construction, ADUs
Aging well We’ll all get here. How do we opt for square wave lifespans? Elderly care, intergenerational housing, robot augmented care, longevity research
Making commutes awesome We will probably have to commute no matter what. How do we make them something that enhances people’s quality of life instead of detracting? Walkable cities, transit availability, biking infrastructure
Buildings that adapt to the environment Who says our buildings need to be static? What does it mean for our buildings to be alive? HVAC, air quality management, passive HAUS architecture
Production Less invasive, safer resource extraction Lead poisoning in water supplies from neighboring mines feels primitive. We can do much better. Intelligent mining discovery
Adaptable, fast manufacturing We can design everything better with faster feedback loops. How to prototype things faster? Modular hardware designs, operations research, additive printing
Information Open sourced knowledge and schooling If we made such efforts to get this information, why not share it? Repositories of classes, MOOCs, public libraries
Opt-in information streams We’re input-output machines. To exist on the internet, your attention is constantly hijacked by things you don’t want/consent to. Better social media, financing models for RSS feeds
Understanding human emotion How much differently would the world operate if we had true empathy? Brain-computer interfaces
Better decision making, reducing cost of experimentation This is a residual of my fascination with the Cybersyn project. High granularity simulation, compute availability, real-world modeling
More visibility into the real world Government aerial surveys happen annually, high high-priority locations are updated daily. What are we missing because we don’t see it? Environmental sensing for weather, wildfire, heat, etc
Being present in the real world As much as we can design marvelous experiences, we should learn from the masters. Technology can enhance the real world Human-computer interfaces that enhance engagement in world, rather than suck you into screen
Computing Maintaining personal privacy Oblivion is a realm of potential, it’s an unaccountable region of the self where new, weird ideas come from. Privacy is the protective barrier that keeps oblivion safe. Identity verification and validation, quantum-resistant cryptography
Increasing access to the internet Being online changed my life for the better. Everyone should have the chance to experience it Internet for all via satellites
Work Expanding the collective human imagination A sufficiently transformative tool can form new industries AI-integrated knowledge work tools, media generation, creative tooling
Automating away repetitive, dangerous tasks It makes no sense that humans inspect crumbling bridges and deteriorating grids. Also, this can’t be the best use of human creativity. Task-specific robots, drones
Health Detecting and treating diseases when they are still preventable 40% of deaths could be prevented through lifestyle changes, early detection, or treatment Home detection kits, genetic disposition testing, obesity reduction for heart disease
Increasing average baseline physical health Good health, by way of sleep, exercise, and diet, is a multiplier on quality of life. Walkable cities, community centers, sleep quality research, blue light reduction
Helping people feel at ease Poor health, by way of spiked cortisol, is a detractor on quality of life Increasing availability of psycho-technologies, meditation, friendships
Improving understanding of women's health 50% of population but deeply underfunded General maternal health and menopause research
National Security Increasing resilience of critical infrastructure If we can’t keep people safe at home literally, what are we doing? Critical infrastructure security, encryption, intrusion detection
Meta problems AGI??? What if knowledge was free? Model development, hazing
Optimizing talent allocation How do you draw the best out of people? How do you make sure that people are spending their time on what is best used on? Immigration reform, meta-labels, ISA academies
Increasing agency in children Kids are capable of way more than we give them credit for. Alternate schools, mentorship programs, safe streets
Improving political and scientific apparatus How do we create systems that are resilient to bad actors but can sufficiently adapt to new problems? What would it take to design a government that could survive forever? Political experimentation zones, metascience, grant allocation, voting mechanisms
Enabling ambition, entrepreneurial infrastructure People benchmark what they can do based on the people around them, how do you give them more chances to see/reach for the adjacent possible? How do you keep enabling this when life calcifies and people are necessarily more experienced but also more risk averse? Insurance for freelancers/entrepreneurs, cultural movements towards sabbaticals, accelerators, immigration reform
Cultural wellness Crushing loneliness We are best when we are together High trust, ritualistic, non-exclusive common gathering spaces
Deeply archiving knowledge Systematic ways to document and preserve the present as it happens Knowledge recovery, painting restoration, vaults, long-term digital information storage
Making beautiful things Being surrounded by beautiful things means that you can afford to be more sensitive to aesthetics. Beauty begets more appreciation for beauty Statues, museums, delightful architecture, music everywhere
Providing healthy avenues for mass competition They are just fun. Large scale global sporting events, game shows LOL
Helping people find love Partnering early and well is the best thing you can do for quality of life Matchmaking services, dating apps
© 2024 or something like that
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