* beside my personal favorites
To Make a DocumentaryTo Leave a CompanyTo Do Meetings WellTo Organize a Road TripTo Shoot on SetTo Enjoy UWaterloo *
Project Logs
To Leave a Company
For a smooth sayonara
A checklist of things you should tend to before leaving a job/company.
Final Month
- Stop taking on new projects
- Researching insurance alternatives
- Looking into your benefits, noting how to make the most of them while you can - Eg. In US, consider conditions of health insurance, health spending accounts (flexible spending where employees put in money in paycheck to use tax-free throughout the year), retirement accounts, donation matching, stock options - Eg. In Ontario, OHIP will pay 80% for many health adjacent treatments
Final Week
- Transfer personal content off of company laptop. Taking note of applications and cutomized settings used
- Skimming through Google Drive, Slack, and Email for personal content you want to keep
- Download starting contracts, performance reviews, and feedback
- Clearing out pending code/tickets. Ensuring proper handoff for all work
- Clarifying what work and metrics can be included in portfolio or resume
- File all expenses
- Do an exit interview
- Write feedback for the company (tastefully)
Final Day
- Sharing your contact information through Slack or goodbye email
- Sending off thank you notes for everyone that made your time there wonderful
After Final Day
- Write a recap of your time working there!